The Fiction of Jon Fish

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Welcome! -A word from the Author

Hello and welcome to my fiction blog.

Why did I create a fiction blog?

Well, for one it's way easier to post writing here than it is to turn a document into a pdf then upload it then update the webpage then make sure the links all work. That's about as fun as a calonic irrigation. All I gotta do here is copy and paste, and I like that.

But the real reason was to facilitate feedback. Several people have read the stuff on my webpage, but I get very little feedback. Not only is it much easier to post a comment here than it is send an e-mail, but you can also do it anonymously, so feel free to berate at your leisure.

Actually, I hope that for the most part you'll like my work. I mean of course my stuff isn't for everyone, but if you do like it, be sure and let me know that to. I'm also very happy to listen to criticism. If you think something would work better a different way or there's a problem with the way the story flows or whatever, let me know. I want to hear about it. Why else would I put this here. Of course just because you think something should be changed doesn't mean I'll agree, but I'll still listen and if I disagree I'm happy to talk about why.

So basically this is an open forum for my work. I write, you read and respond, and we all have a good time. I only really do this as a hobby, though. I don't plan on being a professional fiction writer or anything. That doesn't mean that if theres a publisher out there that really likes something I'm gonna say no to him/her, heh. But it does mean I don't take it too seriously, so you're not gonna offend me if you have something to say about it.

Anyway, enough of that blather. Let's get on to the good stuff.


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